VPI Scout ... move to Scoutmaster or even further

Now that I'm convinced playing vinyl is the most rewarding listening, I'm thinking of more performance from my set-up. I bought a Scout with a 20x H Dynevector cart. mated to a Anthem Pre1P and have enjoyed that for awhile now. I'm thinking of possibly moving to a Scoutmaster but have been recommended to just step-up to a better table altogether, a Nottingham Spacedec, keeping my other gear intact. The thinking is at this stage the table is the critical link and although the Scout a great table at its price, the upgraded ones are essentially more of the same. Moving to a even higher end table gives a better overall design for essentially the same cost. This seems to make sense but am wondering what you all think. Initially I was a bit hesitant at all buying such a good table to start as once the thrill wears off, it might sit and collect dust. After a year and a half, now I know that isn't the case. Those records spin continuously where before the shinny discs never really did.

I agree with Tim, IMHO the weakest link in the components listed is your current phono section. I personally am considering A Supratek, also the new Whest ps.20 looks like a great value based on Mikey Fermers review. As far as turntables go the Teres 245 Table, Origin Live Silver-TWL Modified Tonearm and the Shelter 501 Mk II low output mc cartridge are exceptional values and all giant killers.

Good luck Ben I thought because of your statement
"I was a bit hesitant at all buying such a good table to start as once the thrill wears off, it might sit and collect dust. After a year and a half, now I know that isn't the case. Those records spin continuously where before the shinny discs never really did."
you were ready to get a rig that you could purchase and never look back.

If it wll help, I've just received a new Scoutmaster (stock arm and motor) and I am pairing it with a Supratek Chenin. I've only had this 2 days so the TT is not yet broken in but so far, a wonderful combination. I'm using a borrowed Denon 103 which seems to be a reasonable value for the money. Now I'm quite new to vinyl but I can immediately tell the Supratek is a great phono stage. It seems very sensitive but lets the music flood through! I plan to get a Gingko Cloud 11 and maybe a better cartridge soon so things can only get better!


I just got my scoutmaster JMW9 with a dynavector 10x5.
my phono is an EAR 834P. this is my first set up and i cant compare it really to other TT's.

So far im enjoying it - have not used my naim cd 3.5 + flatcap power supply since i got it.

the first upgrade for me would be the gingko cloud 11 platform.