VPI Ring Clamp

Hello, Has anyone experieced the ring clamp being hard to take of the platter ?
Yeah, sometimes it seems to stick or catch. I assume this is because it is a very precise fit. Maybe VPI could eliminate this with a slight beveling of the inner surface, if it were important enough to have to deal with. I just have to be a little careful and patient, a zen I must assume to handle vinyl anyhow. By the way, I don't encounter this issue when there is a record on the turntable, only when the ring clamp goes directly onto the platter.
thank you sir, i appreciate it. i'm getting alot better feel of it now after messing with it for a while.

The ring clamp came with my turntable so I didn't have to make the decision. I'll repeat some thoughts I wrote on an earlier thread:

Soundwise, it seems to tighten up the soundstage, fix the images a little more firmly. Certainly made a difference, better in my opinion. Functionally, it's an elegant alternative to the complexity of having a vacuum pump, perhaps a better solution if your record is warped. It also adds to the platter's rotating mass -- a good thing.

So far as whether it is worth the price, you have to decide if the difference in sound is what you like. If you do like it, you decide how much you want to pay for it. Heaven knows, we have lots of expensive equipment and tweaks in our hobby. Lots of us pay more than $500 for less improvement in sound just upgrading cables.
I believe the outer clamp is a good thing and the new version with the felt on the inside is easier to take off and on.
It does sound a little more focused and is more natural in the treble. With the outer ring under the LP the sound is a liottle livelier/brighter. That can be a good or no so good thing depending on your system tone.
It will ensure your cartridge last longer as it is always tracking with a nice straight piece of vinyl, rather than going up and down warps however small.
The last and most important question to ask youself is - are you prepared to go to the hasstle of taking off and putting the outer ring for every LP you play.
I agree with Jameswei and 500 bucks is well spent.