VPI JMW Memorial Tonearm

I'm trying to decide on a cartridge to go with a JMW tonearm and a VPI Aries turntable. I'm considering one of the Grado reference series, but I need one piece of data: the effective mass of the JMW arm. Does anyone know what it is (in grams)?
The Aries/JMW combo is an outstanding choice in the upper-mid price range. The JMW arms are considered "high mass". A low-to-medium compliance cartridge will prove a better match than a high-compliance model.
A good match is what I'm looking for. My preamp cannot handle a MC cartridge, thus my look at the Grados. But I still lack the number to plug into my resonance formula. What would you suggest as a compatible cartridge?
I'm not sufficiently familiar with the JMW to comment on its effective mass, nor can I find any tech data. However, if you will go to Web site address I've listed below, there is a discussion thread on exactly your topic: http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/vinyl/messages/28185.html Hope this helps.
Hi, Larry: I think I have an answer to your question. After my last post, I had the nagging feeling that I had read something recently about the JMW arm, so I looked through some recent issues of Stereophile, TAS, and Listener. I found the article I wanted - a review by Art Dudley in the May/June issue of Listener of the Aries / JMW arm combo. According to Dudley's article, the effective mass of the JMW-10 is 11 grams. Since Dudley has been a personal friend of Harry Weisfeld and his wife Sheila for a number of years, it is safe to assume that Dudley has his facts straight. Hope this helps you. I would like to request some info from you in return: what is the resonance computation formula that you use?