VPI Classic platter - is center milled?

Is the vpi classic platter milled with a depression in the center? vpi recommends not using a mat, but my platter has a slight rise in the center.

With the provided ring clamp and gasket, vinyl stays 2 mm above platter with a lot of wobble. If I use the rubber mat, it seats the vinyl firmly.

Thanks for input.
Ditto on the thanks for that update Apb689. What you report indicates a 180 degree change in VPI practice re the use of mats. I have an early Classic which has a flat platter and smooth sides. At that time, the mantra was using the table sans mat sounded best. Oh well.

Wonder why we didn't hear from Stringreen by now?? :)
Thanks for the update on the new platter and mat. VPI does a poor job communicating changes to their tables. Their website is useless and is riddled with outdated pictures.
Hey guys, spoke with Jack at VPI - fun dude.

I am a bit embarrassed here as Jack said the platters [now] have a rise in the center and the TT comes with a rubber mat that absolutely must be used.

I clarified that the VPI manual recommends no mat sounds best. He stated that the manual had not been updated and not using the mat will create an uneven playing surface.

After I hung up, it occurred to me that I never asked why the change? I have zero complaints with the sound, but the clamp does not flatten several warped disc. Not sure if I want to commit to the periphery ring, but looks like it may be in the future budget?

Abp689, that is definitely not right. Don't worry, VPI will make it right.
Call Jack, Mike or Matt at VPI. They are super responsive and they WILL make it right for you. Tell them that Bruce, their "Lontzmann," told you to call. Fyi -- a Lontzmann is a distant relative in a manner of speaking.
Okay. That is odd. Instead of an inner label recession, the platter has ~ 0.5 mm uniform center label rise.

It then appears VPI missed a QC check in the milling department. Coming up on 30 days of purchase. Hope this is not going to become an issue.

FWIW: love the TT! And thanks for the feedback. I'll update progress.
By gasket, I mean rubber washer for use with the screw down clamp. I am assuming this is what Abp689 is talking about? I can't imagine the platter would get through quality control if it was that bad on it's own.
Agree with Brf. Apb689, you write that your "platter has a slight rise in the center." If that is really the case, your aluminum platter is defective. Check as Brf suggests.
It's the gasket that is causing your problem. The gasket is
for use with the center clamp only. It's only useful if you
don't have the outer ring clamp. If you screw down the center
clamp enough, with the gasket underneath, it will flatten out
the record. If you screw it down too much it will dish up at
the edge. If you have an outer ring clamp, and a center
weight you should not use the center gasket.
Place a straight edge across your platter and see for yourself. I know that the Classic platter has a recess for the label.