VPI Aries 3 Questions - Looking to make a switch

I have a VPI Aries 3 turntable with the following upgrades. Periphery Clamp, Mini HRX Feet, Super Platter, XLR Junction Box, SDS Speed Controller, Single Flywheel motor. I am presently running a Lyra Delos with 200 hours on it. I love the sound of the turntable, but it is simply too big in my opinion. 

I am pondering trading it for a VPI Classic 3 or similar. I also can get a good deal on an AMG Giro. I am wondering how the performance of my current rig would compare with a smaller footprint VPI like a classic 3. I don't want to take a step backwards. I was also wondering how my current rig would compare in performance to the AMG Giro.

I was also wondering what my rig is worth with and without the Lyra Delos? 

Thank you.


Phoenix now licenses their tech to Sota. Sota's Eclipse and Roadrunner are the Phoenix controller & tachometer. 

Many VPI owners have added the Phoenix controllers. Sota can help you even if you are looking to add it to VPI. Cheers,


Thank you for all the thoughtful responses. I have also talked to a few dealers in the Midwest, and they all have great things to say about VPI and the Aries table. "solid and bold performance". I was almost convinced to keep the VPI but the more I dig, the more I think that the AMG Giro will offer near VPI dynamics with better micro dynamics and detail. I think that my system is resolving enough to handle the AMG benefits. My problem now is that if I want to sell my rig complete, shipping will be a PITA and expensive. I do not have the original boxes unfortunately. 

Ahh... first world problems!

I am officially undecided. 

Anyone want to give me $5k for the complete rig with cart and pick it up over the weekend? HaHa!



I had  VPI Aries 3D. With single motor flywheel, ring,hrx weight. I upgraded to 10 inch dual pivot fatboy which improved sound. Later Upgraded to 12 inch dual pivot fatboy , avenger ref feet and magnetic drive. Each step -I noticed improvement. 
I would recommended trying to get the Fatboy. I prefer dual pivot over gimbal. 
Classic 3 maybe a lateral move. 


I pulled the trigger the AMG Giro. The more I studied and the more people I talked to eventually convinced me. I will eventually give my thoughts on the move after I had a chance to let things settle in.


I will truly miss the Aries 3. 

I have heard AMG tables many times and I am blown away by their performance. I couldn't not get one! 😉