Vote for best US made solid state amp

Let's vote for best solid state amp ,made in US The choices are Spectral,Krell,Jeff Rowland,Pass......
I'm sure none of us has heard everyone elses wonderful sounding amp. After auditioning 7 different manufacturers amps in my system, I purchased the Balanced Audio Technology VK500 with Batpak. This amp is exceptionally musical, tubelike sound although solid state, deep, detailed bass, crystal clear midrange and high frequencies. Both of the reviewers from "the audiophile voice" purchased one after their 1997 equipment report on this amp was completed. Some of the other amps I auditioned were Levinson, Krell, Pass Labs and Ayre.
Hmmm,well I'd say under 10K that would be Pass X-350 and over Jeff Rowland 8Ti or Pass X-600 (if you need power) Best deals(under $5K) Pass Aleph 5 and Ayre V-3 Mk2.... any of them above will bring you music home. Enjoy it
After years of listening to levinson, threshold, krell, Ihave given up and gone to tubes. I have settled on Wolcott amps. By far the deepest bass and transparency I have heard.