Von Schweikert VR4 SR IV

I am considering to purchase a pair of VR4 SR IV to replace PMC OB1. Presently I am using Bryston 7B SST monoblocks, BP-26 preamp and Reimyo CDP-777. Users detail comments and suggestion would be helpful. Thank you.
While I agree that many (perhaps most) consumer speakers sound compressed especially at high levels (horns are much better in this regard). I am not sure you necessarily have to go to a horn speaker design to create the SPL levels and dynamic range typical of live sound. Home venues are a lot smaller than most concert settings. Besides I don't see any requirement for live music in the initial thread.
I would let the price of the speaker stabilize. They raised the price to 10,000, but then it looks like you can buy them new online for 40% less. Thats all.
I'm curious what you ended up with. Did you get to audition the VR4 SR? If so, how did they compare to your OB1's?
