virtual dynamics new ultra clear interconnects

hi guys
has anyone picked up the new interconnects?my system is 80%outfitted with Genesis cables which i love.the other day i was talking with Rick Schultz and he was telling me how these interconnects would make a huge difference with my system.Rick has always been a person i loved to deal with,i have been with him since the beginning.but before i pull the trigger i was waiting to get some feedback.after all i do love the Genesis gear i have.
hi guys
i have 100hrs and i got to tell these cables are making my redbook`s sound like sacd`s.everyday they get better and better.
I'm having difficulty getting onto their web site. Do I have just server issues?
Upon receiving Rick Schultz’s latest Ultra Clear interconnects, my first thought was heresy: Rick has acquiesced to contradicting his founding philosophy of large conductors delivering increased energy and detail. Has he capitulated and gone mad? I effortlessly installed the cables and powered up the system.

Immediately, one experiences a WOW factor of slam and new/enhanced subtleties in the music. Overwhelming at first; however, after one’s initial shock, it reveals exponential increases of air around both instruments and vocals and more energy. Ultra Clear allowed me to lower output 6db absent any compromise.

Inevitably, full break-in required 400 hours in my system before this slender beauty fully matured. Presently, I have over 500 hours and have not experienced any changes from the 400 hour mark.

Whether acoustic, rock, jazz or classical, Ultra Clear gives true meaning to pianissimo and fortissimo. I am able to ascertain directional breath, instrument placement, guitar picks and the passing of a violin bow is enhanced unlike I’ve ever heard. Additionally, Ultra Clear sharpens the deepest bass.

My system is digital, hence I have several “original” recordings that are not properly mastered, and with Ultra Clear, they’re infinitely more pleasant. Well–executed “re-mastered” CD’s and XRCD’s are stratospheric. I am discovering new passages throughout my music library. It should be noted my system remained unchanged for the past six months; therefore, these newfound details are solely attributed to Ultra Clear.

Doubtlessly, those who have experienced Ultra Clear are reading nothing new in my commentary. Yet if anyone is “in-doubt” about the performance of these cables, immediately contact Rick Schultz at Virtual Dynamics to begin your remarkable journey.

All questions should be directed through private e-mail.
Are there companies out there who will burn in cables? Obviously, the is a high risk of a scam factor at work if the vendor is dishonest, but I would think that a business like that could do ok (if located in a low electricity cost state -- not California).
The UC wire is a real good laugh @ the big $$$ wire makers as it has run past all the previous wire I have tried in my system.

Silly $$$ for the best sounding wire and only a few folks will pay any heed to this kind of feedback.

Being a 10 yr. veteran @ this hobby LoL NO wire has come close to the UC.

Music sounds like HRez/SCAD.