Vintage turntable with a modern phono stage, is it worth it?

Hello all. I am considering swapping out my 12 year old Rega RP3 for a new turntable. I am looking at a beautifully restored Thorens 125 MII with a Sorane TA-1 tone arm and I would be putting my Hana SL cart onto it. My question is, would it be worth it to upgrade my phono stage as well? Or is going vintage not really an "upgrade" in the usual sense? I currently have a Schiit Mani and feeling perhaps I should consider upgrading alongside the turntable. The rest of my system is a Leben 300xs Integrated Amp / Zu Soul 6 loudspeakers.



Thanks for the feedback friends, all encouraging. I suppose I'll look for a phono stage then, one appropriate for this particular TT. I suppose high end may be overkill as you warn @grislybutter, open to any recommendations. 

Can’t speak to the level of upgrade the Rega to Thorens would be, but an upgraded phono would definitely be a worthwhile move regardless. I also have the Leben 300xs, went from a Schiit Mani to a Darlington Labs MP7 phono and was thrilled with the move. For the Hana just add their SU-7 active head amp or an SUT and you’ll be set.

The Gold Note PH-10 seems to show up on the used listings at least one a week for decent price.

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