Vintage Philips MC cartridges, but who built them?

Philips distributed a number of MC cartridges, mostly in Japan. Type-numbers are GP922, GP922Z, G924XE and G925XS

Here >>click<< is a picture.

Where have these MC cartidges been built?

Rgds, L.
I used to go through cartridges like water in the '70s and '80s. I also used to keep up with the designers then. Changing them sounded as different as changing speakers sometimes. Then I lost track of them, mostly do to trying to live with the CD takeover in the US. In the '80s I walked into the record shop to buy a couple of albums, and when I looked around, I thought they were going out of business. It turned out they changed over to all CD's in a couple of weeks. It looked bare (small jewel boxes), and I didn't even own a CD player yet. All the other record shops did the same. Then the CD age headaches started.......
@ All, thank you for your responses.

With respect to the Ortofon (T)MC200, I did once dismantle a broken one.
(one channel was dead) The generator inside looks very much like the generator
in the "Cantata" series, and the one in the A-90.

I still have another needle-less MC200 waiting for an occasional retip.

Best regards, L.

Information on Yamaha MC-1S translated from Japanese

I own this cartridge and regard it very high.
Here is Phillips cartridge line in 1981.