vintage integrated

I got into the audio game to late to listen to what is now labeled as " vintage " In fact I remember the first time I went into a high end store and saw a high end piece I remarked to the salesmen " It has knobs on it ! " But after much listening to various pieces the knobs seem to disappear. But now I'm wondering about yesteryears equipment for a den application. I remember that Marantz was really popular back then, and I have heard good things about Sansui. But I'm wondering about the sound quality. Do they do a better good and say...... An integrated piece ( bought at a Best Buy ) would today? Say a Yamaha, Onkyo Harmon Kardon? And of so would Marantz or a Sansui be a good selection?

Just curious.
Yamaha CR 3020, CR 2020, or CR 1020.
They are a steal at the prices they go for.

The Marantz units are also quite good though.

I had to look long and deep to find his post. But I finally found it!

I got the Marantz and have had it hooked up for over a week ( playing the radio when I'm away ) Oddly enough I think I prefer the Sansui to the Marantz. The Marantz may be just a bit to laid back for me. The Sansui is smooth with nice highs, really nice midrange, and the bass extention is excellent. It is a very nice amp. Especially when I only paid $40 for it! But I sure miss that remote. Was it Sam Tellig that said? " Music should be enjoyable with any level of equipment "

I never got around to buying a Yammaha. Ran out of gas for this nitch I guess. If I do happen upon one at a garage sale I will pick it up and give it a listen.


When pushed, many audio designers will tell you that the most critical component in a preamp, or anything with a volume pot in it..~IS~ the volume potentiometer.

In the Sony TA-2650, it is... a 23 step or 23 position Alps brand Stepped plastic film attenuator.

The kind of quality potentiometer you can't buy for under $100 in today's money. Better than an alps 'b lack beauty' potentiometer. Notably so. Alps does not make them any more, that I'm aware of, no market, no buyers.

Sony 'got it' and so did the buyer end up 'getting it'. :)