hi Raul: "The 71/81 came with coreless motor, you have a misunderstanding. The 71 has not bi-directional servo."
Perhaps you are right and my 'audio education' has been adversely affected by those from whom I choose to learn and listen to. But don't blame me, I've been hanging out with the crowd in this thread for years!
Seriously though, the resident motor 'expert' on this thread was hiho, and if I recall correctly he owned several tt71's and insisted, when the question arose regarding what kind of motor it and the tt81 had, that it was a cored one. Moreover, in the JVC catalog I referred to above, the side by side turntable descriptions have "coreless DC servomotor" under the tt101 and just "DC servomotor" under all the other tables (in that catalog--which didn't include the tt801).
Can you tell me then why you believe 81/71 have coreless motors? Perhaps you have a definitive catalog you could share? And if the 81 does have a coreless motor then, given that it possesses the same speed control as the 101, what is the difference between the two--only the digital speed counter?
Perhaps you are right and my 'audio education' has been adversely affected by those from whom I choose to learn and listen to. But don't blame me, I've been hanging out with the crowd in this thread for years!
Seriously though, the resident motor 'expert' on this thread was hiho, and if I recall correctly he owned several tt71's and insisted, when the question arose regarding what kind of motor it and the tt81 had, that it was a cored one. Moreover, in the JVC catalog I referred to above, the side by side turntable descriptions have "coreless DC servomotor" under the tt101 and just "DC servomotor" under all the other tables (in that catalog--which didn't include the tt801).
Can you tell me then why you believe 81/71 have coreless motors? Perhaps you have a definitive catalog you could share? And if the 81 does have a coreless motor then, given that it possesses the same speed control as the 101, what is the difference between the two--only the digital speed counter?