Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand

Hi All,

Just wanted to say WOW. My dealer has a pair of these. It's quite surprising as he tells me they are not released yet but he has received one of the first pairs.

Visually they are stunning. He has them in Cherry which is far more interesting than Beech, not quite Rosewood though. He has already put about 100 hours on them and they sound amazing. I went there to test the Beethovens (a demo pair) and fortunately he had the grand set up so we could do an A-B.

No comparison! The 3 bass drivers really kick up the bass response another notch. And the scanspeak tweeter developed for VA is really something special.

If only a mortage wasn't required for a pair!

PS. They were being powered by a set of Audio Research Monoblocks (not sure which ones), Audio Research Preamp and source, and Audioquest top-of-the-line cabling throughout.
If yoy want to see the grand beethoven speakers just go onto goggles search engine and type in 2004 ces vienna click onto that site pictures galore!
I had a listen to the new Beethovens through some Macintosh gear a couple of weeks ago. I was suitably impressed. Excellent dynamics and decent enough low bass. I am wondering now what the Mahlers would be like.

I just sold my old Beethoven. I made the mistake to listen to the new Beethoven Grand. The new model is just wat better in every way! Beethoven Grand has been ordered, and I'm just waiting for them to arrive. Extremely good speakers.
I own the now discontinued Beethoven. I just listened to the new Beethoven Grand and yes, it has more bass. I don't think that makes it better--just louder. The bass does not sound richer, more realistic, or have more resonance when listening to string bass or low cello notes. If you like rock, I can understand the preference. I wonder if the specs when released will show a lower frequency response or a flatter one or both. They have redesigned all the drivers except the tweeter, which the salesman claimed was tweaked even more. They added one more woofer and have only one mid now.

I will return to listen again in a couple of months just to be sure the floor models are completely broken in, but as for now, the mid and upper range didn't wow me. The local dealer thinks overall, the new model is a 10 to 15% improvement over the old one.

I do like them. I am not saying they are not excellent speakers. I just don't think they are way better. However, they are a bargain at the present cost, and a price increase, because of the weak dollar, is probably sooner rather than later. I would have bought them but my first listening with my favorite CDs just wasn't convincing enough.

I hope everyone who owns the older model will go audition them with their favorite music and post their opinion.
I bought a pair of beethoven's v3 with a Krell KAV300il and an amazing thing happened! I quit shopping! Music comes out of my system! It's been 2 years and i'm still diggin it, Could I be"gasp"cured.