Very interesting radio shack vs. audioquest

I was having trouble with my amp and while troubleshooting i thought it was the cables or spades. i went to radio shack and got cheap wire. OMG the radio shack sounds much better to me than my audioquest bedrock. hmmmm
I have to give credit where credit is due. I gat my audioquest gibraltar cables today (which i ordered before i tried the radio shack) and now these live up to the hype. Sound is amazing and make a big, big difference. These are 1000.00 cables. I got them from hong kong on ebay cheap!!!!!
these are worth the money.
Read the thread from 4-20 -10, "cheap interconnects from Hong Kong". Interesting.
Hi Rrog

For the guy who used solid core thermostat wire was it the 18-5 or 18-3 wire? Also did they say what they did with the extra wire? Was it just snipped or wrapped around positive wire?

If anyone else has used thermostat wire and want to share their thoughts as well I'm curious.

I tried the White Lighting Moonshade speaker wire from extension cords but had mixed results with it. Depending on the amp or speakers I used with the extension cord wire the music seemed a little more bright.