VenHaus Pulsar™ interconnects

Has anyone used this product as an audio IC (it apparently can be used in digital and video applications, too)? What were your impressions? I own some VenHaus PCs that rock, and am interested in what any owner of the VenHaus ICs has to say. In advance, thanks for your reply.

VenHaus site:
I have recently added cryo'd VHAudio AC power cords to my DVI DVD player and my 300U front projector and immediately noticed a nice improvement in the video picture. I have to say I had never tried upgrading power cords and was dubious, but now I am glad I did. I would imagine his audio cables are just as good. Any other cables I upgrade will come from the same source, I don't feel the need to shop around.
I just received a pair of PULSAR IC's and a PULSAR digital cable from Chris VenHaus. While I have had them in my system for less than one day, I was immediately impressed with increased dynamics and very clean sound, this running from my CDP directly into my amp.

A longer length of IC's, run from my preamp to amp, is making its way via UPS. I'll be sure to post some additional impressions when I have Chris's IC's throughout my system.
Just tried these. Without any break-in whatsoever, they've bested my Luminous Audio Synchrestras. More detail, but maintained the smoothness. Will report again once these break-in, but so far, a resounding thumbs up. Superb value!!!
Here is a follow-up on my Pulsar interconnects, posted on Audio Circle. I thought you might be interested.

"I swapped out my Audience Conductor IC's for Chris VanHaus (VH Audio) Pulsars about two weeks ago. A 1M pair between my Pioneer PD-65 and Eastern Electric MiniMax tube preamp and a 4M pair between my MiniMax and modified DNA solid state amp.

I was impressed enough with the initial results that I put my Audience cables up for sale on Audiogon immediately.

Since then, I have replace my 2M Audience Conductor bi-wire speaker cable with a run of Chris's star quad cable. This cable has 4 conductors of 12 AWG multi-stranded bare copper, twisted in a star quad geometry. This arrangement provides a total equivalent of a 9 AWG (pretty thick but you can bend it slightly). Chris has the cable cyrogenically treated by American Cryogenics.

I thought the "grunge" in my system was gone before inserting the Pulsars. Well the Pulsar IC's and VH Audio star quad wire has brought a whole new level of clarity to my system. I don't have a cable cooker, so I am planning to put at least 100 hours on the cables before posting any formal reviews.

I will be doing some A-B comparisons with IC offerings from Gregg Straley (DIY) and Aural Thrills, after the Pulsars bested the Audience Conductors by a significant margin."
