Various CD Formats

I am confused on these other types of CD formats such as gold CD, SACD, XRCD and HDCD. I have a new CD player that is pretty good, but I think that it only plays "regular" CDs. Can any type of CD player play these different types? Will they sound better then regular type CDs?
What brand and model CD player do you have? A "regular" CD player will play regular CDs, and gold CDs and XRCDs are just variants of regular CDs, so you can play them too. You can also play HDCDs, but unless your CD player is capable of decoding the HDCD encoding, you will not get the benefits of the HDCD encoding-- this is also a CD variant.

SACD and DVD-A are new high density discs that will not play on regular CD players. But, some SACD players (all?) are also designed to play CDs, but of course only at the CD Redbook standard of 16/44.1-- these are "regular CDs". Good Luck. Craig
Answers like the above are what make this joint worth hangin around in. Thanks to each for taking the time to write out such informative posts. You all are O K. Boboh1, it appears to be your lucky day, all that's left is for member Sean to put in his 2 cents and you will have hit a grandslam.
Thanks for all the great answers. It is nice to have a place to come and learn. People have always been so helpful when I posted questions.