Vandy 2WQ balanced crossover question

I just bought a 2WQ (here), which I am trying to dial in. I hope this question is not too lame. My issue is that I have balanced IC's, but the fixed value crossovers that I know about (and Richard recommends getting fixed value crosswovers) are for single-ended IC's. So, what are my options? I would prefer to keep my balanced SR IC's, which I am happy with.

Thanks in advance.

Ag insider logo xs@2xbikecommuter
You can get balanced fixed-value crossovers from Vandersteen through a Vandersteen dealer.

You can also use the adjustable crossover that was originally designed for the Model 5 loudspeakers. It sounds better than the fixed crossovers but is more expensive.
Ditto what Rex said, with an additional note. I have a set of fixed value crossovers configured for balanced by Richard--they cost about $250 at the time. If memory serves, you need to know the combined input impedance of your amp (both legs) to get the correct value for your fixed crossover. Or as Rex said, you will occasionally see the model 5 variable crossovers for sale here on a/gon and can configure the resistance yourself. It's been while since I've checked, but Richard used to maintain a blog on his site where you can ask him questions. Enjoy the sub--I've had mine for about 8 years and really like it.
Rex and Kjweisner--

Thanks for your advice. I will probably look for a while to see if I can get the variable crossover here, but otherwise I will contact a dealer and get a fixed value piece made up.

I am enjoying the sub already. I just cued up the recent Ondine Philadelphia Orchestra cd with Olivier Latry
inaugurating the new organ with Barber, Poulenc, and Saint Saens -- nice.

Thanks again.
