Vandersteen 4

Is there anyone who may know a little about the Vandersteen Model 4? I have searched extensively and have been unable to find anything of assistance. Would they be a step up from Model 3A Signatures?
I can't speak for Richard Vandersteen but it seems pretty reasonable that when he brought out a new model and called it the Quatro, he was simply trying to avoid confusion with the original 4. After all, the new model fell in line between the 3A and 5A but was significantly different from the old 4 and 4As.

Also, isn't it just a little ethnocentric to say he was avoiding the use of "4" because it might be considered unlucky in some cultures? Quatro equals four, it is only a matter of translation. ;-)

Back to the OP and other comments here. I don't know what the recent 4/4As sold for but the Quatro has been out long enough that used ones appear. Also, I would say a used pair of original 5s could be found for a reasonable price and that would certainly be a step up from the 3A Signatures.
I've acquired a pair of Vandersteen 4's with the WX-4 "Electronic Bass Crossover". Could someone with experience with these please advise me on the wiring ?

There are 3 connections on the back of the speaker, "Tweeter and Mid-Range", "Mid-bass" and "Woofer", plus a switch that selects either full 'Full-Range' and 'Bi-Amp'.

The crossover has "R&L INPUT", "R&L HF OUT", and "R-STEREO-L LF OUT". There are holes for "R-MONO-L LF OUT" but they are blanked off.

My understanding is that the crossover inputs are fed from the power amp outputs, but since the WX-4 crossover only has RCA ins and outs, it gave me pause. It's kind of hard to mate RCA connectors with the mongo cables in use these days :>) I just want to make sure before applying power!

I'm pretty sure the WX-4 goes between the preamp and amps. The R&L INPUT would be from the preamps outputs. The R&L HF OUT would go to the high frequency amplifier and the
R-STEREO-L LF OUT would go to the low frequency amp.

The speaker itself connects with speaker wire from each amp.