Currently own #3a Speakers looking to bi amp them spoke to richard vandersteen himself ' he did not recommend this others have said to definetly do so any suggestions thanks
I tried biamping my 2Ce Sigs with poor results. Lost balance and detail. I was using an Arcam AVR350, which can be easily configured for biamping.

Went back to biwired arrangement. Far preferable.
The Vandy speakers manual actually talked about how to bi-amp. I don't see how the sound can be worse if amps are identical. Easy to achieve with solid state, not so easy w/ tube amp w/o auto-biased circuit.

Trying different amps however will cause possible issues with gain matching.

In any case, what specific amps are you thinking about bi-amping with would be the better questions?
I've been Vertically bi-amping my 3A Sig's for a few months now. I'm using a pair of McCormack DNA-1 DLX Golds with a McCormack TLC-1 DLX with outstanding results. I use the TLC's passive outputs to drive the mid/tweeter section and the buffered section to drive lows. You might want to read through the Vandersteen Q&A section there is some good information in there concerning this subject. When I get the chance I will dig the information up for you. But this mostly comes down to the equipment that you are using. P.S. Right now I'm experimenting with the McCormack MicroPre that has the Gold upgrades and its actually sounding better than the TLC, so now I'm thinking the TLC might have to go in for the Platinum upgrade.
Perhaps you could list your system components, with cables,room size,area rug?,power strip,
Best John