Vandersteen 2CE's

I am looking at purchasing a pair of used 2CE's and was wondering if I can use any of the equipment I have, or should I be looking for a new amp setup? And if so, seperates or integrated?

I have a Rotel RB-985 MKII and a Sony TA-E9000es that was previously used with the Rotel.

This is my first step up so any suggestions would be most appreciated.
P.S Dseid.The o.p. also had, per his post, not yet bought the 'Vandies'.My intent at the time was to mention that,since the Polks are in the same price range,he might find it useful to take a listen to Polks.And lest you feel overly offended by a critisism of Vandersteens,you should read the multitude of critics of Polks.Yet,as I have read numerous comments about Polks,even though I feel certain some of the posters have never heard them,or at least not in a proper setting with adequate power,I have not once posted a strident rebuke of a poster.Best to you,sir,........D4W.
I have also owned both the Vandy 2CE sigs and the Polk LSi-15s; two very different speakers for sure. If I had the room and could live with two large monoliths in the room I'd go for the Vandys. The Polks are very accurate and detailed but I'm partial to time coherent designs.

I apologize for my post...was watching my college football team lose their 4th in a row and was a bit cranky. Stating you hate the 2ce was way off base, and all you were stating was what you heard.

I should have been listening to my Vandy 3A Sigs instead of watching football on tv anyway:>
I don't think Double4w sounded like a Vandy hater (are there any? really?) but I kinda agree that in the context of the OPs question suggesting other speakers can (not in this case, I don't think) be a shill tactic. I no longer own Vandersteen, but was a very long time use of the 3A Sig and for the money, I don't there you can do much better, a very fine speaker indeed.
Dseid,apology accepted.I actually consider the 2ce very good speakers,not that I am a 'qualified' audiophile,however.I do know what sounds good ImhO.I have heard a myriad of speaker brands and models.To you and Pubul57,I apologize for offending your sensitivities as to offering advice where none as to speakers was requested.If the op had already had the 'Vandy' I would certainly not have mentioned the Polks.I assure you both,I am no shill.I periodically,as opportunity arises,continue to search for speakers that are affordable to by means,which best the Polks by a significant margin.I have heard many,most more pricey,and am still looking.
best to you both,D4W.