Vandersteen 2Ce and bass performance

I recently bought a 7-month old pair of Vandersteen 2Ce speakers and stands. I am running them with an Adcom 545 MKII and GFP555 Pre Amp. They are biwired with Monster M1.4s bi-wire. The room is large and hard (windows, maple floors, drywall, and brick). I'm hard up for more bass. I'm particularly concerened with the fact that so much of the musical stage is convincing and yet the kick drum in so much of my music sounds reticent. The speakers are reputed for "excellent bass extension," and I do not remember this reticence when auditioning other 2Ces in a local dealer. Suggestions for how to evaluate or improve this situation?? Any help is appreciated.
Try to call your local Vandersteen dealer and dont be shy just cause you got them used does not mean you wont get first class help or try Audio Connection Verona NJ vandersteen dealer over 17 years ask for john 973 239 1799
Vandersteen 2ce's are are great buy even at new prices. Need more bass. Try an extra dose of sound absorbing window coverings along with a nice area rug to complement the maple floor. That will help a bit. If you do not want to replace your already competent adcom gear, try some of the dog. The Vandersteen 2W subwoofer should arouse interest in the most seasoned bass hound such as myself. They're fast articulate and make an outstanding match with the 2Ce's. If that's still not enough, try to find a PSE amp. Few combinations compare with this one. They're old but great.
Many years ago I tried the Adcom 545 with 2C's, (and several other amps, as it was for a review for a magazine) and had inadequate bass performance. We had much better bottom end (depth and impact) from amps such as the Sumo 9+ and Polaris, the Counterpoint SA-220, the Naim 250, and several others. The Adcom is a decent amp, but not really a great match for the Vandersteens. Find a dealer who will let you audition amps at home.
I've owned a pair of 2Cs for 12 years now. It is really hard to beat these speakers for the money. I used a Hafler 220, then an Adcom 545, and for the last 9 years a Counterpoint SA-12. I love the bass. It is clean, tight, and deep. As deep as you can get for $1250 a pair. Loading them into a corner will most likely give you big car audio like bass but will suffer in imaging and soundstage. Try it and let us know how it comes out. I've also found that toe-in collapses the soundstage on mine. Good luck.
i've had the 2c's for 12 yrs and love them but until i added a vany sub i never realized how much low bass i was missing. i have a home theatre setup so i used the v2w sub but in an audio only setup the 2wq is probobly a better way to go