Tyler Acoustics Super Towers

Anyone have experience with the new super towers by Tyler Acoustics? Thanks in advance for any info.
I have a pair of the Linbrook Super Towers in maple. They are still breaking in at 2 weeks of ownership. I have seen posts indicating 200-500 hours of break-in is to be expected and would agree.

The build quality is a delight to behold. The maple veneer is superb. Fit and finish is quite nice, time will tell. When I think of 5' high 110 pound speakers, I think of imposing, room-dominating behemoths ala the 2001:space odyssey monolith. Not so, the light wood finish and the slender footprint invite you to look. They are handsome and they match my dog. The SEAS drivers are really attractive in a retro space-ship-kinda-way. The drivers aren't proprietary; you can get them from SEAS yourself. The wife/ aesthetic authority actually prefers the grills off. I have never owned speakers that I liked to look at as much as these. They replaced some B&W monitors on stands. They look and sound much better.

The sound stage is deep and wide. The bass is indeed punchy but not overstated. High's continue to open up and invite me in (too soon to fully qualify impressions). They are front ported and can be placed near the wall without being boomy. The sensitivity of 92db in the Linbrook Super Towers allows my Stingray at 50wpc of tube power to drive them to very pleasing/ arm-hair-tingling levels. My room is 17x22'. While they could fill a room twice the size, they don't overwhelm. Nice bass slam, inviting image and no fatigue even at high spl. In many listening sessions I forget how loud I have it until I try to say something to someone. The feedback from friends and family is envy and incredible.

The best for last, Tyler is a treat to do business with. Over sales and dollars he is sincerely interested in your sonic happiness. He bends over backwards to service his customers. I had some hesitation to do a blind buy from Kentucky. I want to support the local little guy and stay away from big chains and box-moving serviceless internet-based clearing houses. In doing some research, all the feedback I read was good and anecdotally, completely true. Tyler is the local little guy and will take the time to answer your questions and ensure your satisfaction. You will not be disappointed with your purchase from Tyler Acoustics. Tyler is low on hyperbolic adjectives to describe the 4 micron, reverse distilled unobtainium moon-dust dampening system, and high on sonic and aesthetic quality, price and service. Am I gushing ? I’ll stop now.
Nu2Tube -
I couldn't have said it better myself. :-)

Dumboat - I own the Linbrook Signatures (1 piece) I love these things. I was also a bit aprehensive to buy speakers without ever hearing them. I was kind of afraid when I first got them I thought I'd made a mistake, and I would be returning them. But, as they broke in, I would litterally sit and listen with my mouth hanging open, in amazment at how excellent they sound. You'll have to pry them from my cold dead hands to get them away from me now! :-) Especially for the money - they are a true bargain. These, by a LARGE margin, out class the B&W Matrix 801 S3, they replaced - and I really like the 801's.

ALL the things that Nu2tube said - DITTO in spades! Fear not - Ty is a class act - he will not leave you hanging.

Good Luck
I own the first set of Super Towers that Ty made. In fact my call to him telling him what I wanted prompted him to build that speaker. I also have the Super Center which is a sight to behold. It weighs 95lbs. They will probably be the last speakers I will need to buy for many years. I drove to Owensboro Ky. and picked up the speakers myself and had the chance to meet and talk with Ty. He is a real treat in person. One great person to deal with. I highly recommend his speakers.
Gene Thomas