TW-Acustic Arm

TW-Acustic has a beautiful looking arm. Does anyone know what it sounds like?
Hello Perrew,
I am sorry but I don't give you a answer of your question. That is not fair to make comments of products from other manufactures. I sold a lot of Breuer arms together with the Raven TT, because it is a very good arm. I had it in use for my personal in the last 3 years.
Mr. Breuer a a great designer, a 100% respect from my side.

Hi Thomas i know you like the breuer therfore my question but if i understand correctly you chose a pivoted arm before a dynamic?
Hello Perrew,
please, no discussion about who is the best.
I am not the right person for that.
We have some nice Germans here in AudiogoN, they can tell you what is the best.

Curio Said it were your words, sorry for the confusion... (Perrew)

Perrew .. you're really "confused" because I never wrote that!!!
Please don't use my name and don't make my name saying thoughts I never had!

