turntable newbie: need advice for better sound

Recently bought on Amazon the Technics SL 1200MK and a Shure M97XE cartridge to go with it. Got an old guy in a record shop to set it up for me. Got it home and... I'm very ambivalent about the sound. While the soundstage is wide and there is definitely "air" between the different sounds, there is very little detail--sometimes I can't even tell what instrument I'm listening to. There is also a dullness (perhaps "darkness") to the sound and a lack of 3-Dimensionality despite the wideness of the soundstage. what else? Some distortion.

I learned enough to successfully change the tracking force from 1.25 (with the M97XE brush down) to 1.50 (with the brush down) and that actually got rid of a little distortion. Even that, however, makes me a little suspicious since 1.25 is supposed to be optimal.

ANYWAY, I'm looking for better sound. Any thoughts, advice?

The Technics is wired directly to a Mcintosh MA6500 and plays through Sonus Faber floor standing Concertos.
Grimace, I knew you couldn't stay out of a shure posting! I still have my M91 for emergencies...
By any chance is the red light flashing on the power knob when you are playing records?
Raising the VTA was a good idea. Darkness went away and the detail improved somewhat.

The red light is not flashing on the power knob. No problem there.

I got the guy at KAB, Kevin to give me detailed instructions on setting up the table. I followed them. I'm happier now with the sound. HOWEVER, I'm still considering whether a cartridge upgrade might not be best.
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