Turntable/cartridge/tonearm suggestions

My current system:
Linn LP12 with Lyra Argoi cartridge
Art Audio Vinyl reference phono
Aesthetix Calypso signature preamp
Jeff Rowland 501 mono blocks
Wilson Duette speakers

The issue:
I had initially paired the Linn with NAIM audio gear and the fit was fantastic. As I got older, the in-your-face forward NAIM sound was getting a little too faitguing. Accordingly, I switched my gear towards the tube based art audio and aesthetix, and I like them very much. Unfortunately, the Linn looks a little out of place with the rest of the setup. Hard to describe the problem...it seems to have lost its musicality...the sound is very flat, uninvolving and seems to have lost timing.

The solution:
That's what I am hoping some of the analog veterans can come up with. I am ideally looking for a sound that is smooth, lots of separation between instruments and a little on the romantic side. While detail is important, I am willing to not be able to hear the drummer drop his handkerchief if that means the overall sounds is musical and easier on the ears. I do intend to demo as much as I can but some of the brands are not that easy to set up. I was hoping that you all can give me your first hand impressions on the following brands (and any others that I may have missed) and help shortlist the ones that will fit my preferences the best. I am hoping to spend under $10k and can go up to $15k if it makes sense.

VPI Classic
Avid Volvere
Acustic Raven One


My primary system has the Ayre-DPS TT with Mr. Bauer's new unipivot tonearm and an EMT JSD5 cartridge. That total package retails at ~ $17K and it outperforms everything I have heard except for the Shindo Garrard 301. My Ayre-DPS et al is one heck of a great TT system, admittedly above your stated price limit preference, but there are plenty of other great cartridge options that could bring the total cost down to $15K.

A much less costly but still tremendously enjoyable option is the Well Tempered Amadeus, which I currently run with the standard tonearm and a Dynavector XX2 MKII cartridge. That is a great combo and a great value; it would set you back ~ $4.7K.

The Amadeus is very, very good. The Ayre-DPS is exquisite.
Thanks for the Ayre suggestion. It had not been on my radar and after two ringing endorsements, I should check it out.
First, let me say that I haven't heard your phono stage or preamp, but from your description of events, it appears your system became flat, uninvolving, and lost its timing when you replaced your Naim pieces with tube gear, so I'm wondering why would you conclude that the problem is with the turntable, cartridge, or tonearm.

For what it's worth, in my limited exposure to tube gear, no, I've never heard a tube-based setup that I was happy with, whether using my LP12 or a Well Tempered Record Player. Years ago I tried conrad-johnson and McIntosh tube gear, and found the original Naim Nait far more involving to listen to. I eventually settled on the then-new Linn LK1/LK2 package and enjoyed it for almost 20 years. Recently, I brought home some tube gear that a local audio dealer was excited about and found it far less enjoyable than my much more modestly-priced Audio by Van Alstine solid state equipment.

You may well find a turntable package you like better with your current gear, but it could also be that you need electronics with temporal capabilities a little closer to what you had with Naim. By the way, how long did you use Linn and Naim together? You said your LP12 came stock with the 9CC arm, so I'm thinking you can't be that much older than when you started.

You raise a very valid point. Let me clarify my muddled thinking. The Linn/NAIM combination worked very well but I grew tired of its sonic signature. It was a little too analytical and forward for me. On days when I was looking for an involved listening, it was great. But, on days when I just wanted to relax with music, it was too much.

I switched to tube gear with a view that it will give me a warmer sound with a little sacrifice on the detail retrieval. With my digital sources, thats exactly what I have managed. Listening to CDs/hard drive, the sound is just perfect - smooth, relaxed and almost analog like. I dont mean that it is better than my NAIM gear - it is different and I like it better. My problem is that while my digital music has come closer to my tastes, my analog setup has taken a turn for the worse. The Linn does not sound well with the tube gear and in fact, I think my CDs sound more analog than the Linn!

So, I was interested in hearing suggestions for turntables etc. that the experts might view as a better fit for my preferences - smooth and musical. I am not thinking that the table needs to be better than a Linn but something that better meets my taste.

As of now, the only tables that I seem to be able to audition very easily are
VPI - classic and scoutmaster
Acustic Raven

Other tables that I can audition with a little more effort, which means I would like to have an opinion before I put in the effort are:
Ayre DPS
Avid Volvere
