Tubes with Totem Forests?

currently running a musical fidelity tri vista integrated with my totem forests. also using a MF nu vista cd player. have been kicking around the idea of tube monoblocks - anybody have an opinion? ASL hurricanes are a possibility. please keep in mind that the totem forest can be a power hungry little speaker.

might use the pre outs from the MF tri vista to the monoblocks. open to the idea of different pre amps, too.
I've had Totem Mani-2's, which were much more inefficient than the Forest. I used tubes with the Mani's successfully, but needed over 150wpc. I think you are on the right track with the ASL, however my current amps are purer-sounding than the Hurricane, with better clarity- they are the 60wpc ASL 1009 845-based PP tube monoblocks, and I think they would be a superb match with the Forest...
thanks, sutts. i'll explore that option. i live in detroit, right across the river from windsor. i can get pretty good deals on ASL stuff in canada.