Tubes on Proac 1.5's

Hello, I am currently using a Classe 15 on Proac 1.5's and would like to try out some tubes. Can anyone give me their opinion on the following, and how they may differ from my Classe.
VTL mono 125's
ARC VT100mkii
Rogue 120magnum
any other suggestions
I haven't heard the Classe with the 1.5's but I have experience with other Solid State,Hybrid and All tube integrates with the 1.5's. While I believe they can sound great with ALL TYPES....I much perferred the all Tube KT 88 amp. The tube amp seems to just open the 1.5's like I have never heard before. More natural sounding, fuller midrange, just more addictive sounding. This vaccum tube thing is awesome!
I don't know a lot about the different tubes and it's really great to hear these many opinions. I'm leaning towards a VTL MB125 mono setup.

While some of you mentioned KT88's I need to know if this is just a tube swap for EL34's (sorry REALLY green here!)
I have owned 1.5's for about 2 years. I pair them with Krell 300iL integrate and some time with CJ PV-12AL / MV-55 tube system. Both are great with 1.5's. For vocal and jazz, I prefer CJ with 1.5's.