Tube virgin looking for tube amp under $3k

I’ve never owned any tube amps or preamps and since I’ve got 95dB efficient speakers I thought why the heck not? And wow! What a rabbit hole I’ve gone down In the last week or so and my head is really spinning. For just about every amp or amp/preamp combo there’s someone who loves it and someone who says don’t bother. And then the more I dig, the more brands I find.

I’ve read about these products recently:

— Erhard Audio integrated amp 
—The various iterations of the ST-70 (Van Alstein, Bob Latino, Will Vincent, etc.)
—Music Reference RM10
—Cary (out of budget except used)
—Raven (at max budget for integrated)
—Dennis Had (hard to buy/find)
—Quicksilver Mid mono (need preamp)
—Decware (too long a wait for me at the moment but maybe one day)
—Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum III (at max budget and do I really need 100WPC with my speakers in a small room?)

And probably a few others I’ve forgotten about already. 

I have to say that the Bob Latino ST-70 speaks to me for the price of entry (about $1400) and the fact that I could get away without a preamp and only use a passive input selector. That said, would an ST-70 be the best choice or only the cheapest? 

Any ideas for a tube newb who doesn’t have a stockpile of tubes to roll in and out of an amp?

I had the original CAV 45, and it was beautifully built and sounded fantastic.  I had speakers that were not particularly efficient at the time, and I decided I needed more power.  With more efficient speakers, I can only imagine the CAV 45 S2 would be an endgame piece for many people.
If you've got a $3k budget, why not get the Bob Latino ST-120?  Fully assembled for only $300 more than the ST-70.  $1700

And if you're really willing to drop $3000, that will get you the M125 mono block pair at 120 watts each!   

And don't forget that the kits not only save you some money, the act of building the amps is satisfying in a way that can never be matched by any straight up purchase.   I built my first tube radio kit when I was 12  years old.  I built any number of Dyna and Hafler kits back in the day.   You can do this!
I know a person who is selling a couple of tube amps....
 * Sophia Electric 90-01 300B amp monos but that will need a pre.
and you will need the right speakers for these. (8wpc)
 * Triode TRV35 (older model) EL34 tubes, Can be a straight amp or pipe it thru a pre. (35wpc)...i think he rolled it to a KT77
* Rogue Sphinx v? maybe 2 hybrid (100wpc)
I have heard them....they have a nice warm sound. Rogue gives you more bang for the buck.
if interested reach out to me and i can connect the two of you.
+8 for Primaluna and i agree with the reasons previously described to consider it.

 Here’s a used Dialogue HP Integrated for $3,600

I bought mine direct from their US distributor Upscale audio after going there (So. Cal.) from my home in Alabama to audition it with speakers similar to my 90 dB sensitivity Goldenear speakers.  With your super efficient speakers, you will not come near straining the amp (I rarely get above 9:00 volume with my less efficient speakers) and may never have to replace the tubes. 
I talked with the Upscale salesman who found a B-stock had come in recently from the manufacturer. It had a small blemish in the automotive quality paint job on the back of the amp that nobody will ever see and obviously has no effect on its sound quality.  I was able to buy it for close to the price of the used one shown above.