Tube Research Labs multi channel preamp

Anybody heard the Tube Research Labs multi-channel preamp.? I need a preamp which won't hurt the sound of my (2 channel) turntable and SACD system, and still do multi-channel for movies with the family without the unhooking of cables, etc. I'm considering the Meitner, but I think a preamp is important and should be tubed.
Saw it on their website, would've liked to see more details and specs.
Their website is really incomplete by high-end audio standards.
Paul makes GREAT gear. I think it is going to be a very special preamp. Having the opportunity to hear it first is a huge benefit. It is certain to match well with your amplifier. I have not heard it yet and I have no doubt it is wonderful.

As far as the EMM Labs (Meitner) Switchman 3, being the distributor, I am biased, but I have always loved tube gear. What I hear with the Switchman is complete lack of coloration and no sense of a solid state sound. Solidity of images within the stage is phenominal and dynamics are great. The musicality is what gets me the most.

Right now, I have it in my reference system with the EMM Labs DAC 6, Tenor 300 hybrids and Kharma Exquisite 1a Extended reference speakers. I am using it only for 2 channels. If I heard a better preamp, I would be using it.

Where are you located?
JTinn, I certainly agree with you, if there was a better amp. on the planet, I'd have it. My amps. do stuff that I've never heard any other amps. do, and I like how they look. I live in the Pac. NW, you?
If you can get a grasp of what being surrounded, NO enveloped by the ultimate components on this Earth would be like, then you might understand what's going on here. Every sense involved, not just an aural encounter of the fourth kind, but a total immersion, then you would be getting a glimpse of Tube Research Labs delivers. Do I own their components?? Yes! Are they expensive?? YES! Would I trade my Countach for a Corvette?? NO!!!! Enjoy the ride, life is short.
The Phantomphile
You ask is there anything finer?
Is it fact or just some ol' whiner.
Tube Research Labs stuff
Is way beyond fluff,
Like exotic cuisine for the diner!