tube recommendations for audio research LS-16?

Bought a new set of tubes on a whim. Figured the ones I have had been in place for several years... maybe I'll try something different...

So just dropped a little over $400 on a set of 6H23/6922 type 3. ..definitely more open and airy, very clear mids and plenty of top end energy...not so sure this is an ideal match for me. not feeling much energy in the mids, and the top end is clear and bright, accentuating the microphone and steel strings. Joni Mitchell sounds a bit shrill...seems like  these tubes would be great in a pre- that leans toward the warm and lush.

I would never suggest the LS-16 sounds particularly warm or lush. I am likely to be wrong, but my impression is the LS-16 could benefit from just a touch of warmth, more dynamic liquid mids, and a bit more bass energy?

opinions? suggestions?

What about the Amperex gold pin 7308 or the Mullard E188cc/7308? I'm thinking the Amperex.

or should I just stick with my Electro-Harmonix 6922EH?

Any suggestions for tubes for a Reference Phono 3?

kind regards!

I don’t want to modify the preamp. I’ve had it for years and am familiar with its sound. I made the mess changing the tubes. I will be on the road for the next few weeks… Work. When I get home I’ll change back to the 6922eh. I’ll need to get my phono 5 and citation ll sold before buying any more tubes. Flat broke after my recent purchase of used ref phono 3 and new luxman du-6
Since you’re thinking about trying Amperex; I have a pair of Navy/USN-CEP 6922s, as shown in the following links, from ’62 and ’64(but- identical construction). You're welcome to try them in your ARC pre(gratis). No risk/no strings. Just review and return, once your curiosity is sated. Their sound, spaciousness and appearance is much like my early Sixties, grey plate and shield, Siemens CCa’s. Just a bit warmer. and: More:
I’m familiar with the LS16. If you put these in one channel, and listen to one channel at at time, in Mono: you can compare their tone, etc, with whatever else you have. You won’t get the sound stage picture(etc), that stereo would provide, of course. With one swapped into each channel and tried in both positions(first tube in each signal path, then second), they’ll still make a difference. Just colored by whatever presentation the other tubes infuse. It will still be easy to tell, whether the sound is better or worse. The offer is just my way of encouraging others, to experiment with their system/sound.
Whatever path you follow in your tube rolling: you might find this informative: Also, read the third from the last paragraph, of this 6SN7 review. The same rules/effects, noticed when mixing tubes(of any family), in the same circuit/channel, apply whether preamp, power amp, integrated, etc. Have fun!