tube preamps

Looking for the following tube preamp:
1-take off top end brightness of Krell SS processor & Pass Labs amp
2- well known for midrange sweetness
2-remote controlled
3-slim profile, nothing as large as, say, Audio Research
Footnote - Yes, I realize the best preamp is no preamp, but this is what I'm looking for!
after reviewing the CJ 17LS I was surprised and ultimately frustrated to find out that the so called "analog pass thru" on the Krell Showcase 7.1 isn't really what it is hyped as. Unless you can find a way to double loop the preamp thru the Krell (and this isn't possible according to Krell) it never allows for true pass thru. This holds true regardless of preamp manufacturer. It is a design element of the Krell, and not a very usefull one from a customer perspective. Maybe I should apologize to "sellthekrell" afterall, but for different reasons!