Tube preamp with SS amps and Emerald Physics cs2?

I have read that solid state power amps (such as the Wyred4Sound amps) work well with these speakers. How would a high quality tubed preamp (say Shindo or Leben) sound with such a set-up? Would it match well and give the anticipated benefits of the preamp (shindo) sound, or would it be a poor match and a mask the quality of the preamp? In other words, would it let a high-quality tubed preamp shine fully? (Don't know too much about how DSP and/or solid state power amps would affect the sound.) Thanks.
I can't see why you would go wrong with a pair of Red Wine Audio Signature 30.2 amplifiers, which should be synergistic with the CS2s. A Red Wine Audio Isabella preamp would be icing on the cake. I understand that Emerald Physics provide XLR-to-RCA cables.
Looking at the Emerald Physics website, it appears that they recommend at least 200 watts for the low frequency section of the CS2's, so the Red Wine amps would appear to be woefully underpowered. I would suggest contacting Walter Lieberman at Underwood HiFi for power recommendations. It looks like a high powered four channel amp would be ideal. Its not clear to me if the DSP functions of this speaker system would minimize the effects of a tube amp. Again, Walter can advise you here.
Thanks for the replies so far. I was asking more about the effect of the preamplifier, not the power amps.
Cruz123, I think you're right; although the CS2 has a 100dB sensitivity, which makes the RWA Sig30.2's 30W equivalent to about 400W@90dB, its dipole bass is of necessity heavily equalized; therefore the 200W recommendation looks about right. I still think the Sig30.2s would be perfect for the high frequencies (battery-powered solid stateless = less noise than tube amps, warm sound signature, variable gain).
The main factor in choosing a tube preamp, apart from the sound signature synergy with the speakers, is the output impedance of the preamp relative to the input impedance of the power amp. A traditional rule of thumb is: preamp output impedance should be at least equal to 100 times amp input impedance.