Tube Preamp for around 2K?

I currently have a Juicy Music Peach II preamp that is being serviced and may replace the unit.  I have looked around the 2K mark and have found the Rogue Perseus Magnum, the Cary SLP 98L and the Rogue 99 Super Magnum.  I have also seen a few ARC LS 17SE for around $2500.   I like the JMA peach (6h30) but would be open to trying a different tube sound.  Looks like the Rogue 99 and the Cary have the same 6sn7 tube vs the Perseus 12au7.  The ARC would be another (6h30) approach.  I originally bought the Peach to match my Klipsch RF-7s but I now have Martin Logan Ethos and use a 200 watt SS B&K amp.  The Perseus has all the features i want (2 outputs, HT bypass, remote) and is the best from a price perspective.   I have read the Cary and the 99 will have a fatter tone but at the expense of frequency extremes.  The ML's don't have a harsh top end like the Klipsch so i am not sure I want to mute the top end at all.  

Would the Perseus be the best option of this bunch for a dynamic open sound with the most 3D soundstage?  My gut tells me the Cary SLP is the better product but i don't have any objective reason.  The ARC is probably the most accurate but i fear it will  be boring and not really sound like a tube preamp.  Thoughts?
with the features you want remote , bypass etc.. and open dynamic 3D sound.. , you definitely have to try Rhumba 1.1 or the upgraded Rhumba Extreme version. It does not sound fat or euphoric like Cary and Primaluna , but excellent transparency, with very natural grainless extension. Cost new at $2995, used units will be of course lesser. 
Trust me , it will match very well with ML speakers.
I went from a nine-thousand dollar[Harry Pearson fave] preamp to the PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium [at $3,200.00]... and have ’never’ looked back...its that good.

As Charles mentioned,the PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium offers ’legitimate high end sound quality...[because it is]... regardless of cost. Compare the PL build quality to ’anything’ you wish to compare it with,then go give a listen. Me thinks your wallet and ears will thank-you. 8)