Tube pre-amps $3500 under to add "warmth"

I'm interested in thoughts. Looking to add a touch of warmth to an all solid state digital based system. I am considering the following but have not heard any except VTL.

Modwright SWLP 9.0 SE
Dodd battery
Supratek Sauvignon
VTL 5.5
Audio Horizons TP 2.0

Anyone had the opportunity to compare some of these?
you are right in one sense. in most cases, i am not comparing preamp a to preamp b in the same system.

my comments about a bunch of preamps auditioned in diefferent systems is that i find certain preamps lacking warmth--,i, a roll off in the range 1000 to 3000 hz, a slight peak in the range 90-200 hz and a laid back or recessed treble reponse, without regard to relative differences. if a preamp exhibits these characteristics in different systems, the chances are i won't report the sound of a stereo system as edgy or over detailed, especially if there is a tube amp, preamp and tube cd player in the system. i am using intuition nad the facts speak for themselves. i have auditioned some preamps in my own system and have compared several preamps in another system.

however, i would conjecture that i would not find any preamp designed today that is warm, based upon my definition.
My choice of preamp is the Supratek Cabernet 300b.It has the classic tube "gorgeousness".It is outside your budget however and the new Cabernets use different tubes I believe.Also the cheaper 300b tubes like the EH are not a patch on the mesh plates in this regard.
Mick Maloney from Supratek might be able to make you one especially though.The Supratek Sauvignon is a fantastic preamp but not as "tubey" sounding.It might be able to be tweaked though for a more tubey sound.
Also you should contact Supratek,describe the sound you are wanting and ask Mick if he can make you a preamp with this sound and to your budget.He is a busy man but his aim is to please and might be able to help out.No gaurantees but worth a try.
Might want to consider the Cary SLP-05 (6SN7s) or the more euphonic Joule Electra LA-150 Mk II (6350s). Also, have you tried VAC?
I have a brand new VTL 5.5 I just got a few weeks ago, was looking to accomplish the same thing you are. SS and tube can be a very nice mix if done correctly. I matched my VTl with a Krell 2250 and they hold hands nicely, very nicely. In fact the VTL 5.5 is dollar for dollar one of the best Pre amp values on the market today. Not to mention it's a nice small company, and like joining up to a family one you buy one.

I don't know what you have for SS amp, and this does matter when considering a pre. But if you have something that is detailed, does bass well, and can be edgy (like a Krell) a VTL is a perfect match.

The other (lower priced) option you have is to mix in a Tubed line-stage for less money. But a Pre is the ultimate, and you will not regret buying a 5.5.
hi fla:

i have heard vac gear, but not in my own system. i assume the cary preamp is current generation ? i owned an slp94 and i have heard many all cary systems at ces. not once have i enjoyed listening to them.

i believe dennis had is going in a different direction--designing more linear, less euphonic components.

i may consider the mcintosh c 220. at least it has contour adjustments to the treble and bass.
Dodd Audio their new DC Reference Battery powered pre.
This preamp uses 6922 vacuum tubes very linear and a very natural sweet midrange, spooky quiet with inner detail lost in most other preamps in the obove 5k range.The naturalness of a Chello the rosen of the bow and woodyness of the instrument is superb,very Rich and full, not over done mind you, as well as a Miles Davis brassy horn.In the mid and lower bass hearing Buddy Rich
belt out a solo and hearing the drum head reverberate for the 1st time in a song you thought you knew well tells you lots about the quality of the product ,and over 18 hours
per charge ,amd recharges in less than 1/4 the time-Killer.

You may want to consider Mapletree Audio Designs Line 2A SE with PS 2 Power Supply for under $800.00

A long time friend of mine with similar tastes told me it's VERY tubelike and warm.

I believe there's a 30 day trial period, so you won't lose much $$ auditioning in your system.