tube phono stage under $1k?

I'm looking for a tube phono stage under. My rcvr will be either
Onkyo TX-SR701 or 801
Marantz SR8300
Denon AVR 3803 or 2803

Cambridge or Axiom . Haven't decide on the model

Every kind of music (other than metal, noise, hip-hop/dance) at moderate levels. Mostly RnR, RnB, jazz, acoustic.

table is a Philips, cart is an Ortofon OM20.

stages I'm considering.

EAR 834P
Wright WP100
Pro-Ject TubeBox
I agree with Inscrutable; why buy this expensive of a phono stage to use with a receiver (this does not compute, at least to me)? I'd put the $$ towards a nice used integrated, like a Plinius, & get one with a built in phono stage. A Creek (5350SE I believe) is another idea, as would be a Bryston B-60. At least if you add a better phono stage later, the amp quality will be high enough to enable you to hear the results. As far as tube phono stages tho, a used ARC PH-3 is one idea in your price range.
I have one word and only one word for you and this is the ONLY word you need to know (in my humble opinion) - Quicksilver Audio Phono Stage Preamplifier or Moving Coil Transformer ;)
thanks for the feedback. The wright appealed to me alot, in spite of what I realize is a home spun operation. But I'm glad to see anumber of others who have use experince.
I had also considered the Hagerman, as I have no prob with DIY. But the finished Wright looks so good, and the grounding concept so valid, in my mind, that I steered towards built units.
I'd not seen the Quicksilver and I'll look at that.

I thought I'd get batted out of the park with my mention of mid level rcvrs. I'm glad to see that's not the case.
"The Ear destroys the Wright in every way! I have spoken."

Wrong. the EAR is lame in comparison. I have heard them back to back in the same system... no contest. The wright is not as pretty but sounds 100% better. the EAR was noisy/compressed IMHO.

"The wright appealed to me alot, in spite of what I realize is a home spun operation."

This is a GOOD thing. The best gear made today is made by one-man-band type companies. The only downside is the wait can be long sometimes.

Have heard good things about the Hagerman too, it sounded good in the systems I have heard it in. A bit more $ than the Wright (for the big hagerman piece).
