tube monoblocks and preamp recommendations

I have recently acquired a set of Altec Model 19s. In my mind, these would be great with tube monoblocks and a preamp.  I would like to keep modern conveniences in mind(remote, input for downloaded/streaming content).  I value any advice thrown my way.  Ideally, I would like to keep below $5,000 but understand I may have to pay more for something that is not integrated.  Thanks all!
Get a pair of Altec 1569a's.  I used to drive a pair of model 17s with them.  Was a great combination.

Another vote for Quicksilver. I use Silver Monos(90 watts) with an Atmasphere UV-1 preamp. Great sound and under your budget.  

I saw someone recommended the MC240 - but how about vintage McIntosh monoblocks? mc40s with a vintage preamp or tuner?

you'd lose the "modern" part of it but you could do it for under 5k.


SETs seem to have quite the following, but for my application and based on the way I have all your input constructed in my head- I seem to agree; More power will be better.  Thank you for the suggestions.   I was not sure how the space behind me would impact the sound.  I've never listened to music at home without a wall somewhere in the near vicinity behind me.  Do you know the db and ohm for my 19s? 

Seems like I can't lose going with power amps from quicksilver or as meadowman suggested a Rogue Audio stereo100 (or Cronus Magnum II integrated). 


Have you run your Quicksilver monos with a Quicksilver preamp? As you've mentioned Atmasphere paired with Quicksilver, is it common to have different manufacturers for a preamp/power amp combo?


I have always wanted a pair of McIntosh monoblocks, but I have never had an opportunity to purchase them.  I am somewhat apprehensive because it appears they all need some level of rebuild.  That is a level of skill I have not mastered. Terry DeWick- I hear that name a lot but I have not found monoblocks and a preamp he is selling.   Again, McIntosh has always excited me, but I don't know if I'm educated enough to make a good purchase.  In this case, my ignorance scares me but I'm happy to hear thoughts of those more experienced.  Thank you everyone.