Tube fever...845 SET w/ Avalon

I'm seriously considering a switchover from my beloved Rowland 302 to a relatively high powered parallel 845-based SET -- the Mastersound 845 Reference. Speakers are Avalon Eidolon Diamonds.

Can anyone offer commentary on the ability of a high current 40 WPC amp to drive Eidolon Diamonds in a fairly small listening room? I realize that the majority of Eidolon Diamond owners would recommend either CAT, Atma-Sphere, VTL, BAT, LAMM, ARC or Tenor. These high powered amps will certainly deliver better, more defined low frequencies -- but the 40WPC SET may have an advantage in the mids and highs.

Any thoughts or recommendations? TIA.
Please read my email. I agree that 845 based amp is something special. It captures the texture & immediacy (?neologism or mispel) of the recording that bettered all amps I have owned or borrowed.
I use Avalon Eclipse Classic and NAGRA VPA. It sound pretty nice. I think Avalon Diamond must be used easily.