tube amps and electrostatics

What kinds of experiences have people had mating tube amps to electrostatic speakers (full range and/or hybrids)? I love the sound of both separately, but am concerned about the reactance of electrostats with tube power. I already own the CJ CAV-50 and am looking to upgrade my speakers with something in the $2500 range. Thanx, Dave
Dabble, I believe your amplifier would work well with most hybrids, but not necessarily with full range electrostatics. The reason is that full range electrostatics usually have a very high impedance in the bass, often over 50 ohms, and your amp would not put out much power into this load and so would clip prematurely. Electrostatics typically have a very low impedance at high frequencies, but with the CJ this shouldn't cause a significant frequency response anomaly. And remember there is relatively little energy up around 20 kHz, so the amp is not likely to clip as a consequence. I sell Sound Lab electrostatics, and they have a couple of hybrids that would work with your amp. I think the Martin Logan and Inner Sound hybrids would work well also. Avoid used Acoustats or Martin CLS's as they will give your amps a severe pain in the output stage. Historically Connie J. EL-34 based amps work well with Quad 63's (& USA Monitors), which are full range electrostats. I have a few reservations about these Quads, however, and personally prefer the Originals. But, I have no experience driving the Originals with EL-34 based amps, so while I think it would work I don't really know. I'd like to ask some specific questions that might help me make a more educated recommendation. Don't worry, I'm not going to push my product at you. I am one of you, not one of them.
Just checked with two experienced sources. Your amp will work fine with Original Quads - use the 4-ohm tap.
With stats you have to be careful because the impedence curve varies a lot. You may have some trouble in the bass since some tubes cannot drive very low impedences. If you do not want to change your amp, which by the way is a very good one, you should try the Maggie 1.6. These are different from stats since they have a very flat 4 ohm impedence. I have the Maggie 3.6R and am driving them with OTL tubes with great success. The web site is
I do not have experience with your amp, but I run my Martin-Logan Aerius i speakers with tubes by choice. I use 130W monoblocks and they made the Plinius SA250 (and several solid state others even more so) sound sick. A well constructed tube amp can sound much more lively than solid state amps provided you do not push them too hard. Friends with more experience of Martin-Logans believe tubes are preferable. If you are thinking of spending $2,500 on electrostatics then your musical tastes do probably not include playing drum and bass at 120dB, right? So what you lose by not using solid state will not be very important. If you are buying an electrostatic its probably because you want the transparency, purity, grainlessness, lack of cabinet resonance etc that the electrostatic can offer. Why spoil this with the electronic nature of solid state sound? You will probably just love the sound of your tubes when you hear them through some 'stats (preferably a hybrid for reasons stated in previous posts). The only problems you might encounter will occur because you want to play them louder than your amps can deliver. Try it.
ESL 63 and US monitors have an intentionally benign impedance curve that is nominally 8 ohms an is rather flat compared to other electrostats. The lower the output impedance of the amp, the better.