tube amps and electrostatics

What kinds of experiences have people had mating tube amps to electrostatic speakers (full range and/or hybrids)? I love the sound of both separately, but am concerned about the reactance of electrostats with tube power. I already own the CJ CAV-50 and am looking to upgrade my speakers with something in the $2500 range. Thanx, Dave
You're better off not using electrostatics or ribbons with your amp. Besides wattage, this type of speaker needs an amp with high current delivery capabilities into difficult loads. You ought ot look elsewhere. Proac Studios is usually a good match for CJ electronics. But in my opinion your amp does not warrant a $2000+ speaker. You'll be better off with sub $1000 speakers, like Proac Tablettes, or Sound Dynamics 300i. rgds, david k.
I've had great luck with Martin-Logan Aerius speakers mated to my Audio Research VT-60 (50 w/ch)
I recently changed from a highly rated 400 wpc @ 4 ohms solid state beast to 100 wpc (triode mode) Cary SLAM-100 monoblocks driving Martin Logan SL-3 hybrid electrostats. The sound with tubes is far superior at low, normal & loud listening levels. At VERY loud levels the SS was better. Ultimate bass extention was better with SS, but this is offset by a more realistic bass tone with the Cary's, particularly on strings. Sound stage, presence, musical realism, emotional impact - all far better with the tubes.
Dabble, I believe your amplifier would work well with most hybrids, but not necessarily with full range electrostatics. The reason is that full range electrostatics usually have a very high impedance in the bass, often over 50 ohms, and your amp would not put out much power into this load and so would clip prematurely. Electrostatics typically have a very low impedance at high frequencies, but with the CJ this shouldn't cause a significant frequency response anomaly. And remember there is relatively little energy up around 20 kHz, so the amp is not likely to clip as a consequence. I sell Sound Lab electrostatics, and they have a couple of hybrids that would work with your amp. I think the Martin Logan and Inner Sound hybrids would work well also. Avoid used Acoustats or Martin CLS's as they will give your amps a severe pain in the output stage. Historically Connie J. EL-34 based amps work well with Quad 63's (& USA Monitors), which are full range electrostats. I have a few reservations about these Quads, however, and personally prefer the Originals. But, I have no experience driving the Originals with EL-34 based amps, so while I think it would work I don't really know. I'd like to ask some specific questions that might help me make a more educated recommendation. Don't worry, I'm not going to push my product at you. I am one of you, not one of them.
Just checked with two experienced sources. Your amp will work fine with Original Quads - use the 4-ohm tap.