Tube amp with Vienna Acoustics Beethovens?

Hey Everybody,

I currently runn VA Beethovens with a McCormack DNA 125 amp and VTL TL 5.5 preamp with a Rega Planet CDP. I was wondering if anybody is running a tube amp with the Beethovens. I was wanting to give a tube amp a try but only have about $2000.00 to spend. I prefer to buy used. Any suggestions? I live in an a condo so I can't really turn up the sound too much so high SPLs are not a priority. I listen to rock, bluegrass and I am just getting into classical.
Playing around with rectifier and driver tubes (especially rectifiers) can change the sound. Worked near wonders with my Air Tight.
Mullard to the rescue. The CV4024 are a huge improvement over whatever the 12AT7s were that came with the amp. The harsh highs are gone and have been replaced with sweet and extended highs. The high end is the biggest suprise for me with this amp. Much more detailed and extended that I thought tubes would do. I am enjoying a Mississippi John Hurt recording right now in triode mode. Very relaxed and open. Nice airy presentation with a sound stage that goes deep behind the speakers. The sound stage is not as wide as the McCormack DNA 125 but I think that is what the McCormack does better than most amps I have heard.
The width of the soundstage is about the only area that the McCormack is better than the ST 150. Don't get me wrong I really like the DNA 125 and would recomend it to anyone looking for a good reasonably priced amp. I am keeping it, just moving it to the bedroom were it will replace an Acurus A250. The ST 150 is staying in the big system for a long time.
Most reputable dealers will let you audition any type of equipment they have in house. Some will go the extra mile to accomodate. I had the pleasure of listening to the ST-150 with a pair of wilson duettes. The sound was really an experience. I have a Sonic Frontiers Power 1 with a pair of watt/puppy v.11. I will be trading it in for a VTL.
I had a pair of VA Beethovens and now have the Mahlers, but I thought that the Beethovens were actually a little power hungry. I have flipped between the 4 and 8 ohm settings, but was not certain which sounded best. I am currently driving my Mahlers off of the 4 ohm setting from my Mcintosh Mc402.

They are a great speaker though and will sound wonderful with quality tubes!