Transparent Audio

Any thoughts on how Transparent Audio Super MM2 technology speaker cables would fair against Transparent Audio Ultra XL speaker technology? Has anyone compared them?
Anyone heard of Reveal speaker cables? A member inboxed me regarding then and claiming them to be better than TA. I personally never heard of them or the new technology. Any thoughts??
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I thought the Transparent Ultra mm2 were great on everything until I hooked them up to a Pass Labs First watt M-2 amp, the amp is great but is way too dark with Transparent Cable, subtractive, just wrong!
A good non-network cable sounds wonderful on this amp.
I have been using Transparent for some time now. I called Transparent and requested a sincere description of the difference between the performance characteristics of from the previous MM2 gen to the current G5.
I was told that the new generation 5 is a significant improvement over the earlier MM2 generation.  Also, I was told that each level of product of gen 5 performs as well or better than the previous next higher MM2 product level.
I upgraded my cables from MM2 Super to Generation 5 Ultra and indeed, there is a visceral and tangible improvement in harmonic presence and increased detail and texture. Generation 5 has moved my system closer
to audio realism. There is improved enjoyment listening to my system.

I picked up a used pair of Shunyata Anaconda Zitron XLR going from phono amp to pre amp which sounded good but on a few songs the cymbols were not sharp so I took my TP Super MM2's XLR and hooked them up and it was superior in sound to the Shunyata at half the price.I went and got a good deal on TP Ultra Gen 5 XLR which did improve over the Supers but the jump between Shunyata to TP was almost night and day better.