Tranfiguration Orpheus description

This is the first detailed description I've seen of the new Transfiguration Orpheus:

Anyone run across other info?

I will humbly assert my title is Zen Grasshopper as I cannot yet pluck the pebble. :)

Really good questions, Tim. I've been fortunate to receive several lessons from Doug and Paul in the art of sound characterizations. I also listen for what Doug refers to. I'm getting little snap-shots of what Paul listens for but I'm still not quite in tune. And what makes it worse is that Paul comes in from another room pointing out what is wrong! BTW, I noticed you have the Orpheus as well as Andrew. Can you post the cartridge weight and compliance just for reference?

This morning I'm finding that VTA did need to go up about 1/2 a turn. I believe this is in keeping with the SRA theory after more VTF is applied. Anyway, that's what it took to get back that hollow shimmer of the cymbals.

I feel like we should move all of this to another thread, but since Andrew started it . . .

Thanks Dan_ed and Doug - here are manufacturer's specs for the Orpheus. Relatives arriving so more later...

Weight: 9 g
Dynamic compliance: 13 x 10 to the minus 6cm/dyne
Stylus: Ogura PA (3 x 30 µm) solid diamond
Output voltage: 0.48mV (3.54cm/second, 1 KHz)
Internal impedance: 2.5 ohms
Frequency response: 10Hz - 20Hz +1.5dB 20kHz - 40 kHz + 2dB
Channel separation: > 30 dB, 200Hz - 1 kHz
Channel balance: < 0.5dB, 1 kHz

Best wishes for a happy Christmas season,
Wow! This thread really took off since I was here last.

I'm thinking of finally upgrading from my Temper W to the Orpheus but I deleted the email with the price list I was receiving from someone around here. I remember the Orpheus was selling for around $2700ish? Is my memory correct? Is this a reliable souce? Warranty included? My retailer wants $5k or $2500 with trade-in. BIG difference!

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!

I had an Orpheus in my system for about three weeks (loan from a friend), and I've heard it in two other systems I know very well. In all of these systems, this is a terrific cartridge. It sounds much more lively and engaging than the Temper W (a cartridge I do not really like because it sounds a touch lifeless).

As far as tonal balance, it sounds a bit more midrange prominent than my Titan, and perhaps has a bit less "air" or openness on top than the Titan, but, overall, they both are great sounding cartridges.