Top Ten Speakers of All Time?

Well its time for a new Top Ten Thread. WOW-Have I learned a lot.Thanks to all Audiogon members.Have had several e mail thanking the Top Ten Threads. We have a lot of new members just starting their High End adventure. Info was much appreciated. I will start the thread for the Acoustat 2+2 and Model 2 of which I still own and continue to enjoy. So lets have your top ten members. --- MANY THANKS ---
Soliloquy 6.3 great speakers for the average guy wanting a great sounding system. Great sound and a reasonable price!
Terzian handbuild speaker from a german organbuilder ( the big ones in european churches)
2 way optional bass unit. The cones are made by himself. you get the sound of the reel big systems for half of there price.
after purchasing a pair of SOUNDLAB A-1 i can't possibly imagine it getting any more real than that, with the exception of its soulmates which are built to almost the same specs, the SOUNDLAB models U-1 and M-1...
talk about a "cristal clear wall of sound"... or is it "a window into the music" ??? and whoever heard of an electrostat capable of reproducing a 25Hz bass signal with that incredible sound "signature" that electrostats are known for ???? and how about playing at 100dBs level without any distress ??? awesome loudspeakers!!!