Top 10 TV Shows

This medium has much to blame for the “dumbing down” of our culture, but there have been some great productions as well. What's your list? What might have you leave the "sweet spot" for an hour? (Make me mad that I forgot to include one or two.)

Top Ten TV Shows (Not in order.)

1. Rockford Files
2. Northern Exposure
3. Star Trek
4. Twin Peaks
5. Millennium
6. Andy Griffith Show (black & white)
7. Saturday Night Live (70’s)
8. Law and Order
9. McNeil Lehrer News Hour (PBS)
10. Twighlight Zone
After Lost in Space, it has all been downhill. Nothing else even comes close.
Quincy...great show jack klugman is great powerful
acting makes it believable he really is a forensic

They stopped showing it on A&E im dissapointed.

Star Trek: The Next Generation
Babylon 5
Mission Impossible
Twilight Zone
Outer Limits
Andy Griffith Show (B&W)
Saturday Nite Live (first 4 years)
Monty Python's Flying Circus
In no particular order:

The Dick Van Dyke Show
Burke's Law
Mission Impossible
The original Lucile Ball Show
The Simpsons
Monty Python's Flying Circus
The Dick Cavett show