Tonearm without off-set

Hi All

Just wanting to know if a straight 12 inch arm without off-set is a good idea.

Yes, the alignment is not as good as an off-set arm, but there's the advantage of having no anti-skate problems, and also probably less stress on the cantilever.

Any feedback from current users of non off-set arm would be fantastic, or any opinions you may want to share on this topic.

I have to make a decision which way to go, as the arm manufacturer can make both versions.

"irrational concept"

We are among people who spends in excess of $50,000 on their hifi system. Some Like DD and Raul would probably be in the range of $250,000.

Some at AG buy 2 watt amplifiers that cost $25,000 and say a Garrard TT made in 1948 is better than a $30,000 SACD player. I could go on.

So if I do not think like you, I become irrational?

No I have not bought the arm, but is seriously thinking about it. By asking for opinions and discussion before any purchase means "validation" to you. You would be criticizing almost half of what is written in this forum. Isn't that what forums are for?

"unless your goal was to be the dj 'scratcher' with the 'biggest, baddest, longest arm'."

You don't have to belittle me because I do not agree with some of the people at VA or here.

So sorry I can't agree with you and make you happy.

Thanks for you post.
Doug and Raul

Thanks for both of your very informative reply. I hold them in high regard.

After reading the huge thread that discusses anti-skate where both you and many others contributed, made me come to the conclusion that rather than to cure skate with anti-skate, we should look at avoiding designs that adds skate - such as an arm's off-set.

The option of a linear arm does not thrill me, and if I do go for an off-set arm, it should at least be 12 inch to reduce tangential tracking error.

This is where I am in my thoughts at the moment. I do have an ARO and a PU3 at the moment. will probably be also buying a Lab 47 RSA-1 too. So having this non off set arm is just something I am toying with to install in my DIY Lenco which will ultimately have at least two arms.

With apparently the same logic that you've used for your arm concept, you've missed my point. Comparing your odd tonearm strategy to someone's expensive stereo gear means nothing-it's like buying a Ferrari because you need a new toaster.

I'm trying to find the reason for your query both here and at VA. You ask if a straight, no-offset pivoting arm is "a good idea". It ain't-and you're unlikely to find anyone who will tell you that it is. And yet you're determined to proceed. Thus, I can only conclude that you're not really seeking any knowledge on the subject, you're either looking for a validation, which won't be forthcoming, or...well, I don't know, you just need something to do, I guess.

I'll change my tune if you can show me the math that will allow a straight, no-offset pivoting arm to have tracking error and distortion equal to or less than an arm with offset, and aligned with a Baerwald or Lofgren formula. Until then, feel free to ruin your records any way you choose, but don't expect me to support your ill-fated dream.

"but don't expect me to support your ill-fated dream."

None was asked for. It is just a bloody arm that we are discussing. I do not understand why you are so worked up about this. You want to kick my dog or something?

And regarding "math (sic)" logic, so how come some highly regarded contributors here removed their anti skate devise on their ET tone arm and not use them? There is no maths in that.

Some of us actually use our ears to determine what Maths can't explain.

Also if we are so dogmatic about perfect tangential alignment, we should never ever use any pivoted arm - off set or not. How much distortion is acceptable or discernible? Choosing by numbers is a worry when it comes to sound.

And in your opinion, it seems that the only criteria for a tone arm to sound good is to have perfect tangential alignment. There are other factors that can make a tone arm great sounding. And if you do not know already, all tone arms sound different regardless of perfect geometry or not.

Anyway, I respect your opinion and let's just say that you do not agree with me on this topic and perhaps many more.

Nice talking to you.