Time for the Dynaco to go, Affordable Integrated or Separates for Wilson's Under $2.5K?

Hi Everyone can it be done?, At the recommendation of a few nice members here, I decided to head in a different direction and find Pre-Owned separates or a nice integrated for my Wilson Audio Watt3/Puppy 2’s. The room is 20x25 but I stit close and do not play loud, I live in a Condo. I am replacing Dynaco MK3’s and like a Musical non-Analytical sound. I am like the idea of VTL, Mcintosh, Rogue, Hegel, and AR. But open to anything. The problem is my budget. How the heck am I going to make Wilson’s sing with so little cabbage. I would like to spend up to $1,000 for the Pre and $2,000 for the Amp. The less the better. Or under $2,000 for an integrated. I have no idea why I want to spend less on an integrated. HELP, I can’t decide. The members here are awesome! Kind and willing to help. All your experience is greatly appreciated!! John

Thank you, everyone, really great stuff here as usual.. The Condo and set up are so important. And you are correct, these speakers sound great the louder you play them. I have a large listening room and plenty of space to move the speakers wherever I want. 23x26" open room with high ceilings. What type of speaker would you all recommend for low and medium listening levels in my environment? I sit 6-8 feet from the speakers. High Efficiency, Low efficiency, Horns, Magnepans, Towers, Large Bookshelves, Large Woofers, Small Woofers? etc...I would like to get a little bass and a nice full sound at the levels I can play (low-med) without a visit from the cops.  I don't know enough to pick the right type for my space.  If you recommend a specific brand,  Size doesn't matter and,  looks are important to me I like ZU?  And others with good materials and build quality.  Under $3,000 used, the less the better.  Buchardt?



The Dynaco mod you want is the driver board replacement from VTA.  Do the mod they offer and you'll be more than happy.  Much more.  And you'll be able to do it for a small amount of money.  Unless of course you WANT to drop thousand$ on something new and shiny.

Two updated driver boards and parts are around $100.  If you don't want to do the work, they can do it for you for $50 labor.  It's THAT easy.  They also have optional mil-spec caps if you want them, new speaker posts, etc.  An upgraded pair of Mark III amps would actually please you better than a Mac 275.

Another option is restore the Dyna MK IIIs to their original schematic and specifications. I did that with my MK IIIs. All new resistors and caps but stock values. With the new higher quality parts it has several advantages. One of the main ones is that it will match the manual and published schematic drawings. I have owned my pair for 46 years and this is the second complete rebuild. I like this rebuild better than the original kit build or the 1990 rebuild. All parts are readily available. You can see details of  mine at  https://dynacotubeaudio.forumotion.com/t3641-kiwame-rebuild-of-my-mk-iiis 

If you decide to go this route send me a note and we can discuss the many options.

Another endorsement of the Yamaha integrateds if you're not married to valves. The A-S2100 is the sweet spot among Yammy's three higher-end integrateds. Although it had been a bit above the OP's budget, as @gemoody pointed out, there should soon be deals to be had with the intro of the new S2200. The 2100 is a beautifully engineered, rock-solid, sweet-sounding integrated which I owned prior to moving to a Pass. And at $3,500 vs. $9,000, the Yammy gives Nelson's wonderful machine a real run for it's money both in terms of SQ and value. Obviously, an audition would be called for to see how much joy it could inspire with your Wilsons and your room.
You may try Schitt Freya pre and Crown Xls 2502 to drive your speaker.

I drove power hungry Raal Sr1a headphone by Crown Xls 2502 with good result.

It sounds very fast and exciting without hot edge.

But Freya will give some warmth to the sound.

You can also tune the sound by tube rolling in Freya.

RCA gray bottle 6sn7 will give warmer sound while Sylvania GTB made in 1950's give more neutral sound.

Even with the cost of Nos tubes, total will be under 2.5k$.