Thank you, everyone, really great stuff here as usual.. The Condo and set up are so important. And you are correct, these speakers sound great the louder you play them. I have a large listening room and plenty of space to move the speakers wherever I want. 23x26" open room with high ceilings. What type of speaker would you all recommend for low and medium listening levels in my environment? I sit 6-8 feet from the speakers. High Efficiency, Low efficiency, Horns, Magnepans, Towers, Large Bookshelves, Large Woofers, Small Woofers? etc...I would like to get a little bass and a nice full sound at the levels I can play (low-med) without a visit from the cops. I don't know enough to pick the right type for my space. If you recommend a specific brand, Size doesn't matter and, looks are important to me I like ZU? And others with good materials and build quality. Under $3,000 used, the less the better. Buchardt?