Time for a new DAC?

I've been very happily using DACs - well, DSPs, from EAD for years, starting with a DSP-1000Mk3 before 'graduating' to the wonderful DSP-9000Pro which taught me more about the space around performers than any other piece of hifi I have ever used.

A change in my listening habits sees me moving away from CD to a HDD-based system. It's as much for convenience as anything else, but it is all good. I listen to more music now.

I have been offered an Accustic Arts DAC1 Mk4. The techy side of me loves the idea - the sampling in particular would seem to suit my new streaming-type front-end possibly better than the EAD does.

Does anyone have nay experience of both products, or can offer any insight, or advice?

I believe that there are former EAD engineers in Fairfield Iowa that can upgrade your EAD unit. The name and contact info escapes me, but Google is worth a try.
I know of Noble Electronics, and there's an excellent engineer in France or Belgium (sorry Christophe - I can't remember which at the moment!)

The EAD certainly can be upgraded, but the cost of doing so really isn't far short of what the AA DAC would cost me.

I am torn. Loyalty to a faithful friend, or investigating pastures new?
Well, I have a buyer for my EAD... Unfortunately I'm about as decisive as a dog in a lamp post factory! The AA DAC? Or maybe something from Danish Audio Designs. Or a Sabre-based system. USB internal, or an external USB->SPDIF converter?

All part of the fun of the wonder that is hifi!
OK... Short listing in a hurry now as the EAD will be on it's way as soon as the festive season is over.

The Ayre QB-9 has a significant advantage in that it has a USB input. However, my heart is still saying the AA DAC1 Mk4 is the solution I want, probably with a John Kenny modified Hiface M2.

Any other suggestions? Ballpark budget is a maximum of $2500; previously loved equipment preferred!