Tidal/OPPO streaming issue

I have been streaming Tidal through my oppo 105 for about five years at this point. Last night when I went down stairs to listen to music I got a window pop up on my Ipad screen that said invalid login token. I have never seen this before and could not get logged in no matter what I tried. I have a pair of Bose powered speakers upstairs hook to my computer
 just for non critical audio and could log in and browse/listen no problem. So I know my account is active and paid. Anyone else experience this and if so what was the fix? This is how I listen 90% of the time and almost every night for at least an hour or two. My only hobby/relaxation really. Very frustrating!
One of my players is hard wired, the other is wireless. Both have the same issue. When two people are trying to use the same account in Tidal, it will pause one of them. This is a different issue.      
Me and my friend both have a Oppo 103 and have same problem. Can we expect this to solved or is the conclusion that Oppo is a dead end if you what to listen to Tidal? Really a shame and very disappointing 😕 Already looking at Audiolab 6000n but would prepare just to continue with my Oppo. 😩
Philip from Denmark
Just got a response from TIDAL support.

"I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with your device log in!

We've investigated this issue and have found it's an integration issue with Oppo connecting to TIDAL.

We do advise connecting with the Oppo Customer Support team for how to proceed.

You can reach them here:


They will be able to help you through managing this issue.

If you have any further issues please let us know- I'd be happy to help!"

But there is no more changes from Oppo, right?
there is some current issue with Tidal, I think
Lately I have been having login and disconnect issues with Tidal and Nirvana. Audirvana always launches but sometimes I cannot see any Tidalstreams, only local resources. I can however login to Tidal app and stream. I and many users have launched this issue with Audirvana, hopefully they can fix it.
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