Threshold s150 or Forte 4a amplifier?

I have a pair of 4 ohm speakers (2 Peerless High Def 5 1/4 Mid-woofer and Vifa Ring Radiator XT Tweeter in each cabinet) that are around 89 db/ in a fairly small listening room. I have a choice of either the Threshold s150 at 75 watts/channel or the Forte 4a at 50 watts/channel Class A. I am looking for some feed back on both of these amplifiers and suggestions on which amp I should Keep. Thanks in advance for all advise!
Contact Jon Soderberg []. He might be able to help you getting the heat sinks.
He used to work at Threshold and repairs/modify all Threshold/Forte equipment.
He is a great guy and does avery good job. He had worked on my Threshold T2, DAC 1e and a S450e that I had.
I switched to Forte Model 4/4a amps many years ago and have never looked back. Few amps can truly "outclass" them, and even then... at MANY TIMES the price. The only drawback I can pereceive is their handling of low bass, which is just a tiny bit thin and, well... lacks a modicum of control. Many will argue this point... please have at it :^)

For my subs, I use Adcom 555's, which are fabulous sub-bass amps... though they're just a smidge gritty on mids/highs... IMHO. Some will disagree... and that's okay :^)

Few truly affordable amps can faithfully reprodruce all frequencies extremely well. My solution is to bi-amp as above. It works for me.