Thoughts on Audio Note, Totem, B&W, Lipinski...

I'm in the market for a new pair of speakers and curious as to other's thoughts. Looking for a two-channel setup, and mostly listen to classical music. Have a 18'x18' room. Need something that can take on a full orchestra fairly well in $3000-$4000 range. To date in my searches, I've come across four speakers that seem to appeal to me (although they aren't necessarily similar): Audio Note AN-J, Totem Forest, B&W 804S, Lipinski L-707. Any experiences with these? Other models that I should be looking at that would do well in my size room with an orchestra? Equipment that I might want to pair with them? Thanks all.
Contrary to the Stereophile review, the Lipinski has little bottom end. I heard them set up almost flush to the wall in a typical monitoring arrangement. They sounded great within their bandwith limitation, but that limitation is severe.


Good luck.

Get your self to a Dali dealer the Dali Helicon's are magical and trounce the 804. The audionote's are too small and have no bass, same with the lipinskis.

The Dali's work well in that size rooms and offer a remarkable combination of deep bass, midrange presence and treble transparancy and they are stunning looking.
try the AN-E, amazingly huge soundstage, perfect for orchestral music. much better than the forest in my opinion. oh, and they go down to 17hz!